Sharon Prenton Jones
I have been taking and creating images since 2011 when I first picked up a camera. Over the last few years I think I have found my niche in photography which is mainly Portraiture and Fine Art. My style has evolved and now I strive to produce images that are not always a representation of reality but, rather, a careful artistic creation that uses photographs as the ‘raw material’ to construct the final image.
- MFIAP - Master of the Federation Internationale De L’Art Photographique
- MPAGB - Master of The Photographic Alliance of Great Britian
- FIPF - Fellow of the Irish Photographic Federation
- ARPS - Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society
- FBPE - Fellowship of British Photographic Exhibitions
- EFIAP/Diamond 1 - Federation Internationale De L’Art Photographique
- GPU-VIP5 - Global Photographic Union
However, for me, the most important aspect of my photography journey has been the sheer amount of fun involved, the huge network of friends we have made, and being able to become engrossed in a creative and engaging hobby.